Enclos wraps steel buildings in glass. They specialize in difficult projects and are one of the largest specialty contractors in the U.S.
We have worked with Enclos for 15+ years. Projects have included the website, intranet, and various internal tools. (redesign/merging of intranet site, Training + Development site and Knowledge Management site including single sign on)
* Internal team members
Below are a few of the documents created to illustrate the strategy, UX, and IA portions of the project. These documents were largely informed by our stakeholder interviews, competitive review, and UX audit.
Best practices weren't being followed - CMS was out of date and hard to maintain for internal staff (expression engine) - navigation didn't have active states - primary call to action was contact and buried in the footer - flexibility to add video for launch and the - project list needed to be visual. they were treating it like an intranet/catalog not a marketing tool they have beautiful projects